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I Feel Good James Brown Rar: Discover the Secrets and Surprises of James Brown's Musical Genius


litrboro' foxtrtur.Priu&yDoc. 22, 1376HATES Of ADTHRTISU-XIO :Ai-ertiHnnWi will Inserted ta the tbe Moving rat Ten linesf ,Kt-x. or one in.U lensthwl- wH aonrttmuKu:U !utq";" "(Inr i-V.'.are,1 to "I'nree " "i .' co'uran.1 mo. 2 mos.300 606 00 8''7 iki io ;8 00 15 '1- 5(1 1 'IK 90 002SM SoOO3 mos. ; mos.T );10 0015 0018 OAIO0Asow145 00 1loeo15 0020 0026 0027 400 0060 00' $1005018 mos15 020 0027 M85 (K40 0060 00103 00j-Un-i;, Fuaorol and Obituary notices, nottimeIf paid cash at,f ntiWvcrtbiitar 2.t.LOCAL MATTERS.yonr paper indicatesruon has, or winand, ntiless renewed, tbe paper will no uiscoiiuuutru.We hope all will renew at once.A cross mark onlat Your subscriexpire in two weeksLegal Notice. I will be at my office inRocky Mount on ilondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays of each week, for thetransaction of business, as usual.Clients can sec me at the Socthsrser office, in Tarboro, oa other days.Dorset Battle,Attorney at Law.Biukfs.Monday is Christmas clay.Send in your subscriptions.A Xmas present The Sotjtiterske.Nice Fine Oysters on half shell and openat Banks Bros.The average fhe-crackerless boy is nothappy.Holiday Clothing for Little and Big Boys,cheap, at Whitlock's.Xnias ! that glorious period of fire crackers and squedunks.Those owing J. L. Coker are earnestlyurged to settle, as it would be cheeky toask longer indulgence.Kris Kringle is jingling his bag of goodies for the young folks.If you -want a good cheap winter bootfor $10, go to Doughty 's to get it.Every buggy that conies in town contains the little brown jug under its seat.Edggin aud Ties, Pork, Bacan and Family Grcceiies, at T il Gatlius'.What is better evidence of Xmas than ajag swinging from the axle of a ball cart.Stamping asd Kilt Pleatisg done byMrs. Geo. Terrell.The tmkey that escaped Thanksgivingwill fall before man's rapacious tooth onMonday.Dress Suits for Holiday.., nt lo, $10 andat Whitlock's.Special to Our Subscribsrs.With our New Years issue, alldelinquents will be dropped. Ourpaper lill is enormous. This rulewill be rigidly adhered to. If youwant the Southerner you must payfor it.Rkturxsd. Thorp of the Mail is backfrom Montgomery, radiant as a rose andhappy as any dead-head editor, who canrub his hands and meditate on the folly ofstaying at home.t mm mmoke IIousk Uobusd. Oa Tuesdaynight last, some one broke in Mr. W. D.Ricks smoke house, in this county andstole abut ninety pouuds of meat. Ob,for the whipping post !Seeiocsly III. Ills many friends, willgrieve to hear that Col. John M. Perry ofhi law firm of Howard & Perry is lyingseriously ill with pneumonia, at the residence of Seth Speight, Esq.Fes Bkgcx. On Tuesday night Xmascammenced in good ear jest in Tarboro.The English of this is, that a halt dozenmen got drank and more or les3 have contributed various amounts to the town treasury. New Advs. See Joseph O'Berry's noticeov puic ii.b of 1) i! luck's mill.Also noti'.-e of opening session ofTarloroMale Academy.Also notice of R. Whitchurst, change ofSituation.And Mr. Pu'din's notice of trained biiddogs for sale.A young lady who did not attend thedance desired to know if the Italian Bandwas composed of negroes.L:.g?r Beer, on draught, and in bottlesat B.'n'us Bros.Djn't Xuias come oftencr than it usedto ? Conundrum to be propounded at nurr'.e l nick's Vall.C'jslom-made boots at Doughty's, lowfor cash.The Edgecombe Agricultural Works ofthis place art now prepared to repair machinery cheaper than it was ever dene herebefore. Can tend a man to such jobs ascannot he brought to the shop. Work onengines and boilers a speciality.The fruit of the hen manipulated propeily will be the Nash-ional beverage forthe next week.Extra Size Suits, and Oyer Coats, atVf hillock".Merino Shirts, Ladies Vest, BoulevardSkirts and Water-proof Goods, at T II Gatlifs'. With a fair count and an honest Returning Board Edgecombe will furnishseveral hundred spreeists for Xmas.Fine Liquors and Cigars, can always befound at Banks Bros;If you want to build up the South encourage home manufacturers. tlion. Kemp P. Battle, President of theUniversity is recreating at Dunbar plantation. Gen. Cox is ahoin the county.Take the Soctiiernek it you desire thenews current in your county.Just received, a New lot of Fine anlCheap, Over Coats, at Wbilleck's.Mr. D. M. Wright formerly of Texas,now travelling for Williams & Marchisonof Wilmington, honored Rocky Mountwith a visit on Wednesday.Readyir.ade Clethins, and 1 laud-madeBoois and Shoes, at T II Gatlins'.If you want the Centennial High Quarter Button S'aoe, (.$7.00) Doughty 13 yourman.If your liver is torpid, if your appeUtais poor, if you your stomach th recughly cleansed, if you cannot sleep, ifyou want a good digestion, use Dr. Bull'sVegetable Pills.Bay your heavy 44 Brown Sheetingyour Cotton Yarns and your Plow Lines,of Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, tA nice stock of Dress Goods and the Domestic Putterns to make them by, at T. II.Gatlius".B. W. T., is too long winded for ad-lni-siouof his article into our columns.A li. Ie more attention to nutter and lossto maimer would improve. Let brevity,point and pith be his gii ling stars, and heln-iy fiiiine in the literary firmament. ..Tbe Item of cotton rope for plow linesfcctus a small matter. In the aggregate itis worth keeping at home. Order fromBattle & Sou's Rocky .Mount Mills, RockyYlov.M, l. C. ' t'inc. M-.rsr.tori Blade t about the onlypf:ir of fu Stile that pushed the import rot ii;;r of lii-b ; il.n 1.--3kstiNel.M.ake. The South etiner published it.The Edgecombe Agricultural Works ofthis place are now prepared to repair machinery cheaper than it was ever done hereh"-fr,re. Can end a man to such jobs ascan:i(A be brought to the shop. Work onengines am; boilers a speciality.Too Old fok IIkalth. The RaleighObserver spinneth a huge yarn about theplatform from which Gv. Vance willdeliver big inaugural constructed of plank,one hundred years old a centennialplatform. If we were an invitedguest to occupy the ancient stand,we should regard the structure rather old for good health. This 13 pushingcenteuuial gush '.o an extreme length.Remember the Carrier. Throughrain, sleet, hail, and snow ; amid all thevicissitudes of political excitement, knaveryof Returning Board counts, ur carrier Mr.Thomas has deliveicd that Olympic 1 terasry pabulum, the Tarbo:.jcgii Soumtaxer, to town subscribers. His accommodatireness and kindness are conceded byall. Any remembrance will be grateful tothe palm of Mr. Thomas and appreciatedby us.Fibk at the Falls. On Saiuraayabout 2 P. M., Mr. J. R. Green, residingat the Falls of Tar river in Nash, discovered smke issuing from between the shingleson the roof of his dwelling. Pete Bunn,our radiant Baltimote drummer, was at Mr.Green's store about 250 yards off endeavouoing to sell him a little bilL He informsus that by the merest chance any thing wassaved, a? the flames had Bpread over nearlythe entire roof. The fire was extinguishedwithout much loss. It is thought the roofcaught from a epark coming out of thechimney and carried by the wind to theroof. Too mueh care can not be taken regarding fire in windy weather.HOP AT ADAMS' HOTEL.Handsome Decorations.SPLENDID DRESSES AND MORE EAT-ISHINC1 FACES OP RURALBEAUTIES.Van Arrival of Clothe, c.Oa Tuesday evening at Adams Hotel occurred oap ot the most enjoyable Hops ofthe seasoni It was gotten up by the Tarboro String Band and other friends. Mr.Adams witltout fee or reward kindly gavethem the uss of his spacious dining room,which was decorated with wreaths andles-cons of evergreens in the most beautiful and artistic way. The chandeliersyere embowered in evergreen ornaments,The Manning House. A business tripto Wilmington ou Monday gave iw thepleasure ef enioyinjr the hospitalities of"Mine Host," Capt. E. W. Manning, of id the brilliant jets sparkling up fromthe Manning House. Centrally situated, its 4eir leaf beJ thre w a charm of bewilderadvantatrpstahvisinpfts men are incalculable, iej enchantment over the festive scene,. aCapt. M. ejjoys the reputation of beingone of the clevcrst, as he certainly is oneof the mest popular, Hotel men in NorthCarolina. He end his genial, accommodating clerk, Mr. La;ie, spare no pains toplease euests, and tiiey succeed.o ir friends visit Wilmington our advice isgo to Manuing, where the rates are moderate acd fare excellent. If such is not thecase, the money will be refunded on application at Southerner efflce. Reader, clipthis out and paste up.ALny brilliant belles from the country be-siwed the delights of their presence nta joyous occasion. Every one whosepjtasure it has been to attend a gatheringof young people in the rural districts ofWhen Ejgecombe, will readily attest the beauty,grsvje and charming association of ourgins. Who can invite a visitor to a bunday dinner from church with more entertaijing kindliness? Who cau make thestaj of a guest more pleasant than they ?The dresses of the ladies were of a character with their faces handsome beyonddescription. Capt. S. S. Nash called thefigures and made himself as useful as heA Codntrt Qcjiltiso. With Christmascjmes the festive period of quiltings. ACJuntry quilting is an occasion of much was ornamental, which is the last limit off un. It is talked over in the neighborhood praise, for he is tine qua non. It is whisfer weeks before the big event. The mat- perej taat miny ladies were absent, on acron in cap, as well as the maid in curls, count of non arrival of fine clothes orderedenjoys the thought as she cuddles over the especially for this occasion, knowing it wasfire.The frame is swung from the ceiling orrests on chairs, and the quilters gather'reund the borders and quilt and gossipuntil the work is done.Then comes refreshments and dancing,or plays and games. "Sell the thimble"and ther amusements involving the pleasant past-time of kissing for pawns, aremuch in rage. Many rustic matches a;-emade duriug these Winter frolics, andthey seldom lead to nught save happiness.We glory in the observance of these primitive festivities.only in this way the country girls could becompeted with. We sympathize withthem.All honor to the country girls and theirhandsome escorts.Christmas Calendar of CrimeVAGARIES OF VAGRANTS,FACETIOUSNESS OF FELONS.AN ORGANIZED BAND OF ADROITTHIEVES.XHreo Towns Plundered INights.m m.u many; ROBIN HOOD REPRODUCED.If the present century were not the Nineteenth, and this an age of civilization, theslight episodes we are about to recount,would persuade us, that our lines had fallea an hundred years back, that this scope ofterritory, covered by happy readers of theSoutherner, had been bodily translated toAlpine Passes, infested by bearded banditti, or English For ests, where roamed RobinHood, the gallant robber,GREEDY GOTHS AND VENAL VANDALS.Rumors of robbers, and reports of robberies have been rife in the air for severaldays past. The theater of action seemedto spread over the ground that would naturally lie in the path of the great hordes ofgobbler Goths and victual Vandals, yclepttramps. These festive foot-pads hibernatein the warm Southern land of orangegrove3, and when the gentle breezes ofSpring warn them of Summer beat, theyhie them hence to the grass covered hillsand vales of the North. About this seasonthe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad is thegreat high way on their Southern tour.All ages, sexes and conditions of humanityare represented in the ranks of theseKnights of the foot path. Some of theircountenances are cold-blooded and villainous, old and wrinkled. Some depict thehand of sorrow deeply embedded thereon,ana others, still, show deep dejection andrayless despair.Occasionally the limbs of childhood,scantily clad in rags of variegated hue?, attract the eye of the passer. Begging andstealinz comprise their means of livelihood.wouldn't work.A tramp of ponderous proportions wasGood Christmas Gift. Do you wish tosend your relative or friend and acceptable Christmas present ? If you do, sendthem the SocTnERXEa for a year. Youcan CDUiniCDce now, r.nd send for the remainder of tbe year free. Try it. Itsweekly visits will keep you in kindly remembrance, will be of vastly more benefitto theni than gewgaws and trinkets, andto these who have removed from the county it will l-ti like a weekly letter fromhome.Aukest fou L.VKuENf. E. Manuel By-nuoi, James M B lylin and anther negro,(name not known) were arrested oa. lastFriday, and ludgel in Wilsou jail, forstealing one bale of c ittoa from A. Hill,a farmer on the plantation of A. J. Cotton,on the nigtit of the 13th inst. Bvnum wasone of the poll holders at the recent election in Lewis' Township, and Boylaa wasa Justice of the Peace up to the time ofelection.A Probable Homicide. A Mas Shot.--Frank Braswcll and Marcellus Bobbins,young while men, were indulging in agame of ten pins last Sunday night atsnarpsourg, ivigecomoe uouuty, wnen adispute arose about the game. Fromwords they came to blows, and Robbins6hot Braswell, the ball taking effect in thebreast. At the time of this writing thewounded man is not expected to recover,and Robbins has escaped.We regret for the honor of our countythat such a difficulty should have occurredon the Sabbath, though it is bad enough atany time. What a difference in the feelings of the young men there would nowbe, had they not been desecrating the Sabbath. We have since learned that Braswell has died.Wareant of Arrest. Lest the designsof the l&w might be frustrated we did notmention in 8 una ay s paper ibat on the dayprevioui a detective 'rom Baltimore had applied to Cjv. Brogdcn for, and received awarrant of arrest and delivery for a merchant named Billiard, who lives at W hi takers, Edgecombe county, and who is chars- I begging a meal of a lady of our acauainea wun oMainmg goods in Baltimore under tance a short time since when she told himfalse preteaces. The necessary papers hav- . ... , , - i ,.. been fcued, the detective left, Saturday she would f urnl8U hl9 breakfast providedafternoon, for Whitakeas and before this he would cut a stick or two of wood totime the man has UO doubt been placed un- kmdle a fire Mr Xramp turew mmslfder arrest. The reporter could not learn . , ...... , . .. , , ,the name of the firm from which the soods back oa bl8 7, and indignantly askedwere obtained, nor the extent of the alleged " Do you think I've got nothing else to doWrLsnNGTOs. A hasty trip to thi9proud "city by the Sea" on Monday, forthe first time in years, disclosed many improvements. The merchants were cheerful notwithstanding the hard times. Thatstaunch old Tar Heel House of Vick &Mebane was "this sidejup with care.Our ancient tread S. W. Vick, head ofthe house was as genial in his greeting andhearty in hospitality as ever. He represents business as "good, considering." CaptBrowning of the W. & W. R. was offdnty and stalking about in a lordly way.He looked as if he was on his "native dieathand his name McGreggor." His clevernessis proverbial.'We looked in on T. B. Kingsbury, Esq.,of the Stab and found him in his true element, in the sanctum of a first class daily.His looks showed good health and his heartyhand-shake bespoke his kindly feeling.We met our old friend C. W. Harris of theCape Fear looking scarcely a day older thanwhen he "ranT' the Advance at BattleboroOnr talk of the olden time was qnite re'reshing, acd the only objection - to it" was itsabbreviated character.Mr. Josh T. James of the Review whoseacquaintance we formed will not be forgot-en.These genllemea affirm he newspaper business fully abreast of the times.We enjoyed the ride on the smoothe vail.In fact concluded that there ian't a Roadbetter conducted, nor more, agreeable topassengers than the W & W. Under itspresent management, all its vast machineryia in perfect condition. ' ; .NEW AtiVERTISMENTS.!; JAS. IHI. BELL,JEWELER -AJVI OPTICIAN,TARBORO'. N. C.WATCHES, CLOCKS,Removal. I will remove the First of 1January, 1877, to my old Store now ocqu-pied by Dr. L. L. Staton adjoining M. R.Jones, 0. C. Farrar & Co l where will befound a select stock of Drugs, Chemicals,Paints, Oil, Window Glass, Snuff, Tobacco,Cigars, &c.DR. A. H. MACNAIR, Agt.Druggist and Apothecary.Big Farming. Col. C B. of ourlaitst and rnos successful rarmers, has made torty-live bales of cottonou furty -eight acres of laa 1. Also killedthirty-four hog3 weighing seven thousandand eight pounds net pork.Brother Kingsbury of the Slr will nowperceive that our item last week was onlya scirmisher, a sort of feeler. Iu the wayof agricultural industry and enlightenmentwe warrant Edgecombe can "straddle anyblind" and 'Vo better."Newspaper Change. We publishedlast Friday the fact that Messrs. Williams& Woodson had sold the Advance to Messrs. Portis &, Herring. Such was the case;but since that issae the latter gentlemenpa d the former $300 t cancel, whichwas done. We learn however that a gentleman in Battleboro, kaown to the busianess, will probably buy the Advance.The Sentinel says W. H. Day and E. C.VVoodsen have purchases.! the RoanokeNews.Tuk Fire Fiend. On Friday night Dr.C. L. Killebrew living in Edgecombe,about nine miles from Tarboro, lost, byfire, his barn and stables, 7 baleB of cotton,15 barrels of corn, 7 stacks of fodder, anda nice lot of oats. Supposed to be thedamnable work of an incendiary. Everyweek we chronicle at least one fire and innine coses ia ton the torch is applied bysome fiend iucarnate to satisfy seme piqueor spleen. In this instance the paity suspected, it is alleged, had a grudge againsta negro who o vned some of the cotton,and committed wholesale crime toavenge his nurtured wrong.fraud. Raleigh Xewi.Mr. Sydney P. Hilliard is the person alluded to. Oa Sunday last Detective Rose-man, from Baltimore reached RockyMount from Kilsigh. ne at once conferred with Deputy Sheriff Lewis Penningtonof Edgecombe. Tosether thev left on the2-20 p. m., train for Whitakers. The arrest of Mr. Hilliard was effected withoutdifficulty and he was taken to Baltimore onthe 1a.m., train. Sheriff Pennington informs us that it was a hewt rending scenewhen Mr. II . was arrested and taken fromhi3 family his little son clinging to andtrying to comfort him.Mr. II., is most respectably connectedand the occurrence is seriously regretted.He recently purchased a large stock ofgOTtls in Baltimore and in a short time executed a deed of trust. The charge isthat he obtained these goods under falsepretences. The requisition was issued atthe instance of Bruff, Faulkner & Co., andFinly, Roberts & Co., and others of Baltimore, uur readers will remember thisis au ex-parte statement and tney havenot heard Mr. Hilliard's plea. We begthey will not pas3 judgment until all theevidence is in.FIIO.U BATTLEBORO.Christmas. In accordance with a timehonored custom, there will be no issue ofthe Southerner next week. Christmas isthe only holiday observed in our office,and few occupations are more confiningthan that of a printer. Day in and dayout he toils at thn oasr. in the Winier season handling cold type, in tne S'J.n-iUTsweating ovet his hot case.On the 5th of January, the Southerner willgreet mora paid up subscribers and fewe:old debtors than ever before It will lcsent to some, who have heretofore beenpunctual, as a noticj to pay, with a markon the margin.But the dead beat Hit has 'played' in this office.An Eccentric Puilosopher. A tallgentleuiaaly looking man, with a rathercare-worn visage, walked into Banks'lunch rjom, :'.n I stepping up to the genialBasks who piesidesover the bivalves, said,in almost a siage whisper :" Hjl: you uny bad oysters ?""Have I what?" said Banks staring atthe fellow." Have you auy bad oysters ?" inquiredthe stranger ; any very bad oysters ?"" Well," said Banks almost non-plussed,"I suppose I could shuck out a few, although ours are, generally speaking, verynice.""Then," answered the melancholy individual, "please give me a doz3n on thehalf shell."With wondering eyes Banks turned overthe pile, and with difficulty managed toliogues Rifling Stores in WhitakersThief Shot at, but Stove Pipe StruckFine Fanning in Nash CottonMarket Nash Taxpayers BackwardPreaching The Southerner bid aHappy Xmas by "Ami."Battleboro, N. C. )Dec. 20th, 1876 JDear Southerner : Our little sister onthe other side of the Creek, (Whitakers)has been recently visited by a band of burglars. Two stores and two dwellings wereentered last Wednesday night by them, butwhat they carried off no one seems toknow. It is thought they doctored thesleepers with chloriform to prevent theirwaking, as they went at will all ever thehouses, and nothing was known of it, except in our instance, till next morning.When they entered the store of Mrs. Cohen,Mr Julius Myers was awakened by thefallincr of a door bar. when he saw a manextract twelve really bad oysters, which standing in the front door. He thereuponthe stranger swallowed with a sober, even fired at him, but the ball lodged in a stovea pensive air. When he had finished them, ondtrace o these felloWS have yetsomething like a phosphorscent smile lit up e Bryan of Nash isJ a work.his lantern-jawed features, and turning to ing man, as the following result of hisBanks, he asked him if he had cot anv of labors this year will show : He ran three' o - 1 -Just fromA PnerosiTioN i9 hereby made to oursubscribtion debtors to receive any articleof Food (fruit and vegetables excepted) inpayment for Southerner.Ai'poistiiesis of Bishop Atkihso?.Wilson, 21 Sunday in Advent. Dec. IInjisrotUtfildItingwood,. .Halifax, 3Jweidoubunday in Advent, Dec. 10." 12."13." 14.Sunuay in Advent, " 17.19.20.Jackson, "The Married Men's Ball. On theevening of the 29lhlnst., at the Old Gregory Huuse, the married men of Tarboro,not to be outdone by the young bloods,will give a ball. Broiled birds, turkey,M'tcha coffee, etc., will constitute the stimulating list of the edibles. Nothing thinnerwould suffice for married stomachs. Onthat occasion mauy ancient birds will disport thcms:vc a3 spring chickens. Andjust here, 1; sundry reasons, we wouldconfidentially whisper to the married ladies,they had better be on hand in strong force.We merely throw out this hint, you know.Responsible (.aarantce.I will undersell auy travelinn Clothin,Merchant, or Tailor, on the same line ofgoods. It you doubt it call at Whitlock'sand be convince 1.ICO Times is a Misutk! 3. II. Bell hasust returned from the North, bringing a fineselection of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c,which be oflrs at bargains for Cash.fg" Hj also has Sewit.g Machine Needlesthat can be threaded 100 times a minute inthe dnrk, something that every roachne,should have.Rupture Cured in frost. 30 to 90 Daysby the use of the Triumph Truss andTriumph Rupture Remedy manufacturedby the Triumph Truss Company, 334 Bowcry, N. Y., and 1315 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia. This Truss and Supportertook the medal at the last session of theGreat American Institute Fair. Send 10cents for their new book.the very best Norfolk oysters."Oh, yes 1" replied Banks.Lin haven Bay.""All right," said the stranger, and having swallowed the plump vivalve3 with anair of satisfaction, he inquired for the billand paid it. As hs was leaving, Bankssaid to him :"Excuse my curiosity, sir, but may Iask what all this means ?""Certainly," replied the stranger. "Thefact is, I am a suiferer from au insatiabletape-worm, and if you think I am foolenough to feed that fellow on nice Norfolk oysters, when bad ones will do just aswell, yon must think me green indeed.Standard Ke&pkk. I, P. S. Hicks,was appointed Standard Keeper by theBoard of County Commissioners on the11th of December, 187G. I gave bond andwas qualified, and am now the StandardKeener of Edgecombe county. Certificatesfor examining weights and measures areonly good for two years from date.Dec. 15.-3t. P. S. Hicks.plows, and realized 18 bales cotton, 80barrels corn, 133 bushels sweet potatoes,35 bushels wheat, 15 stacks of oats, 10 four-horse loads of pumpkins, and over one barrel brandy to the plow, and vegetables midnight wanderers,but cut wood ? I'd never make any progress." As several of these gentry hadbeen seen prowliog in the vicinity, it issupposed the numerous thefts have beencommitted by them.CHEEKY COLLATION.On Thursday night last the little townof Whitakers in this county, was slumbering in the sweetness of innocence, Fridaymorning's sun revealed the fact that burglars had literally gene through the town.Nearly every house had been gutted ofsomething. Generally, nothing would betaken that was easy of identification, orthat .migUt lead to detection. A livelysmack oi facetiousness and drollery wasexhtWted r Dr. Q. W. Broddle's. Theinquisitive fellows went into every room inthe house, rummaged in bureau drawerstook out and scattered around their contentsDiscovering nothing they wanted, they lithis lamp, opened the cupboard, took therefrom the cold food and spread a toothsomecollaf on. This done, chairs were drawnup aid tbe repast evidently enjoyed, afterwhich every thing was left on the table.They then lit themselves to the door andleft the lamp burning.AECTIO COOLNESS.Mr. W. C. Gupton, of Rocky Mount,received a postal by Friday's mail from anestimable lady living at Whitakers, rehearsing the exploits of the night before, andbidding him beware, as tramps had beenobserved heading their steps thitherward.Mr. Gupton, with his accustomed energy,"earned the news to Mary," and by nightfall every body had been forewarned.Double locks and bars guarded doors andwindows in that vigilant city. Mr. Gap-ton, who resides with his family in thestore, iat up to keep watch and ward until1 A. M., when sleep over-c3me him and heretired to repose.He avers he never slept better, nor moresoundly, ner did his wife and his clerk.-His dreams were sweet and soothing.When tLe cock crew up the Sun "in russetmantle clad," the lines of the song occurred to him,My dear, kape draming that same 'til ye die,Bright morn will give proof to Sight's dirty,blbCK lie.The back window had been pried andpropped open, his bed chamber invaded,his wife's dress taken from the foot of thebed, the pocket book taken from the pocket, his pants searched, the money drawrifled, involving a loss in all of three orfour dollars. He bad taken the precautionto remove his funds beyond reach of theAfter satisfying theirA FREE CURE.For consumption, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, throat and long. diseases. Also a surerelief and permanent cure for generable debility, ayspepsi and all nerve anections, Dya simple vegetable medicine, which cared uvenerable missionary rhysician who waslong a resident of Syria and the East, andwho has freely given this valuable specific tothousands of kindred sufferers with the great-!est possible benent, and he now leels it hissacred christian duty to impart to others thiswonderful invigorating remedy, and willsend FKEE the original receipt complete,with loll oirections, to any person enclosedstamp lor reply.DR. CLARKE A. ROBINS,Grebly Block Syracuse N. T.(P. O. Box 79.)Eye-G-lasses, Spectacles,SOLID GOLD ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS, GOLD STUDS, COLLAR ANDtjuer nurruaa, uulu rtjis, UUAIJNS, CHAKMS, BRACELETS, GOLDAND SILVER THIMBLES, FINE TABLE CUTLERY, SEWING MACHINES, OIL NEEDLES, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES,AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES., All G-oodsi Guaranted aa Zlepreaented.tT Personal attention given to the repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, dfce.13? I have a system by which I can suit anv one with SPECTACLES. If lnronvnUntfor them to call on me in person. .Dec. 7,1876. tfWonderful Success.It is reported that Bcschee's GermanStrop has, since its introduction in theUnited States, reached the immense sale of40,001) dozen per year. Over 6,000 Druggists have ordered this medicine direct fromthe factory, at Woodbury, IN. J., and notone has reported a single failure, but everyletter speaks of its astonishing success idcuring severe Conghs, Colds settled on theBreast, Consumption, or any disease of theThroa. and Lungs. We advise any personthat has any predisposition to weak Lungs,to go to their Druggist, Wm. How'abd andget this Medicine, or inquire about it. Regular size, 75 cents ; Sample Bottle, 10 cents.Two doses will relieve any case. Don t neglect yoar congh.GREATBARGAINSChristmas and New Year.enough for his neighborhood. Bring out or jjia unholy greed, departure was madeyour man to neat mm, ,i you pieaso. . . , . . . .Frequent complamts have been made by , , . , ' r .some of our farmers to the merchants, to Afle cooiness ana conbiueraiCuCbB uithe effect that they were not paying as fair only required that a pox oi cigars naamuch for cotton here as was paid in Rocky teen stelen, and Mr. Gupton awaked toMount. But we can guarantee the asser fnrn;0i,lli;l,Mfnrtvmnlr. This wouldTake Notice. Every Trader and Dealer, (by profession) and Miller, shall havetheir weights and measures examined onceic "very two years by the standard.J. B. U f ATT.Dec. 22. St. Standard keeper.tion, that no farmer in that vicinity hasmet with the fate of one of ours. Lastweek a neighbor came up to sell his cotton,but, as he said, the price didn't justify,and he could get more for it in RockyMount, lie accordingly put out, but soonfound that hs could only get within half acent of this market. So he brought hiscotton back, and sold it in this market.Moral : Don t believe everything youhear.Sheriff Lewis was in town yesterdaycollecting taxes. He 6avs many people arequite backward in paying up. It is to behoped tnat the Legislature "will by somemeans relieve the people of many of theburdens now oppressing them. We wantmore currency, even if its an inflated one.Dr Cobb, of the Disciples Chu rch, badan appointment to preach here last Sunday but the weather was so cold and butfew having known it, no one came out.have filled the full measure of the bill.8AVXD BT A BELL.On the same night, in the same town thestore of Mr. D. B. Gay was entered, butnothing was taken owing to a very cutecontrivance, by which ropes radiate froma bell, and it is impossible to move withoutringing the bell. This alarm aroused himand the rogues were frightened off.On the next night entrance was effectedinto Mr. Mullins' store, the noise awokethe boy slapping in the store, who commenced hollering for dear life. The rascals, it is seedless to add, hastily decamp.ed.. Mr. John R. Green's store at Nashville was burglarized of about fifty dollarsHe will preach here next year regularly on worth of goods oa Sunday night. Thesethird Sunday in each month.With these few items 1 bid you and theold year an affectionate adieu. May yourChristmas be a pleasant one. Ami.Send -o cents and i will send you a receipt f "' the best Hair color Restorer known.It couta .is no dye or injurious iugredienst,Restores gray or faded hair to its originalcolor and brilliancy.W, S. CHANDLER,752 Snih ISth St., Philadelphia, Pa.crimes, all occurring in the same section,' shew conclusively there must be some con.cert of action, cr the deeds arc tdlperpetxated by the same parties. Their lawlessnessis not confiued to stealing.ATTACKING A MAN.A white man, Tom Knowlea, was goingfrom Rocky Mount to the Falls, about 12:o:-Thk Only Cure for Rupture. Theoldest and best hernia surgeons in the world,the only lady surgeon on earth skilled inthe cure of Rupture, the only elastic trussworthy of the name, free examination andadvice are some of the advantages offeredby the Triumph Truss Company, No. 334bowery, JM. 1., 1315 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Send 10 cents for their newbook.FASHIONABLE CLOTHIEROpposite Hotel, Tarboro', N. .August Flower.The most miserable beings in the world arethose sjnering from Dyspepsia and LiverComplaint.More than 6evcntv-ue per cent of the peopie in the United States are afflicted with thesetwo diseases and their effects : 6uch as , SourStomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costive-ness. Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burnWater- brash, gnawing and burning pains atthe pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, CoatedTon true and disagreeable taste in the monthcoming up of food after eating, low spirits,&c. Go to vonr Druggis' Wm. Howahd andget a 75 cent Bottle oi August Floweh or asample Bottle for 10 cent Try it Two doses will relieve you.SIARRIED.In Washington at St. Peters church, onThursday December 14th by Rev. N. Harding, JVlr. Jons Procter to Miss SarahMekkins, both of Pitt county.At the residence of N B Mitchel, nearWashington, on Thursday evening December 14th by Henry Hodges, J P Mr Napo-lbas B Mitchell to Miss Camillb Walker.DIED.WARREN. In Washington, on Sunday,December 10th, Judge Edward J. Warren,aged 50 years.BENNETT. In Washington, on MondayDecember 11th Mr. Robbert Bennett.COMMERCIAL.Tarboro' Market.CORRECTED weekly byD. Lichtenstein & Co., Grocers,c.MAIN 8TKEET,TARBORO' H".A CAKD.To all who are suffering from the errorsami indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,curly decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will senda recipn that will cure you, FREE OFCHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Sontn America. Senda self-addressed eavelope to the Rev. JosephT. Inmax, Station I)., Bible House, NewYork. lm.Try It and You will Always UseWood's Improved.WOOD'S IMPROVED HAIR RESTORATIVE is unlike any other, and has no equal.T'V.a lmnrAvol Vtaa natv voirataMa rnniA v "-erties; restores grey hair to a glossy, natural o'clock at night, when he was beset by twocolor; restores laded, dry, harsh and iainng wmte men wno KnocKea-mm uown. aehair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; struggled to his feet and called his dog torestores hair to prematurely bald heads; re- hj8 rescue. The ferocious onslaught ofmoves dandrnlf, Inmor., scaly eruptions; re- th d caused them to run off. They shotmoves irritation, itching and scaly dryness. " t . vM ,- , jNo article producs such wonderful effects, at the dog in the darkness three times andTry it, call for Wood.s Improved Hair Re- cursed the man.storative, and don't be put ojf with any other Tuis catalogue of crime ushers in thearticle. Sold by all druggists in this place and natal day of our Saviour. We warn alldealers everywhere. Trade supplied at man- our reajer3 to watch their valuables and toufaei",r!3 P". TTko0;''.cr make short work of these nocturnal pilfer-Idas., and bv J. F. Henry. Curran & Co.. New era. M e? knPle w?Qld 8 far tmnxiHome production are Quoted at the bovineprice, and all others at tbe selling price fromstores.oacoe H. C HauiB,In canvtss, per lb. 78cShoulders 9l0cSides, back bone and rib,-...12JcBulk Meats. Shoulders, per lb- 8c9Sides, cleat, llllcBkbf. Fresh, per lb. 68cSpiced Finally per lb lcBagging,. per yard, . 14$15Beeswax f e. 2a5cButter 3050cCotton, per pound, 7l0cCotton Y ark, per bunch, SI 00l 10Cohn, per bushel, 50c60cCjeese, D 1520cChickens, 15c35cEggs, er dozen 1520cFlour Patapsco family bbl flOOther brands 6$9Hidks Dry H. 52ScGreen, V B. 3cIron Ties, f tt. 47cLard, lb. 15cMeal, per bushel 75cMolasses Snear HouseS gallon,-"-2850Cuba " .... 4575Omows. nor bushel. fl 502 00Pork Mess pe.-bbl. tl9 5020 00Rnmc " $18 00Potatoes, sweet, per bushel, 50c60Irish, per bushel-50(3$1 75Peas, per bntmel, 6080cSalt. G. A. ier sack. . S150Liverpool, per sack, f2 002 50Sausage, per lb, .20cTea. peril), 50gl 25TaLlLow, per lb. 68eCotton Markets.New York, December 20th Cotton easysales of 362 bales, at 121-8al2 6-16Norfolk, December 20tb. Cotton steadymiddling 12.Fine Ready-Made Clothing,Fine Ready-Made Clothing,Fine Ready-Made Clothing,At Whitiock's,At Whitlock's.Over Coats and Talmas,0 ver Coats and Talmas,Over Coats and Talmas,Cheap for "Cash,Cheap for Cash.Clothing to Fit Boys,Clothing to Fit Boys,Clothing to Fit Boys,At Whitlock's,At Whitlock's.Boots, Shoes and Hats,Boots, Shoes and Hats,Boots, Shoes and Hats,Cheaper than Ever,Cheaper than Ever.Special ISTotices to tlie IMlblic tI have the largest stock of Ready-MadeClothing in Tarboro.I cut and make Clothing to order, warrantted to fi or no pale.My stock of Men's Underwear, Shirts, Ties,Collars and Handkerchiefs, is large, elegantand cheap.A new lot of Whitlock's best Cigars for theHolidays.Call early for your Holiday, Wedding orBusiness outfit from a Cravat to an OverCoat equal in quality and price to any in theA: Whitlock's.Tarboro,' N. C., Sept. 22, 1876-z3" o -A. "srSOUTHERNWORKSI am prepared (whenever ih6 weather permits) to serve Oysters by tie plate or bymeasure, to my friends and, customers, feeling assured that I canplajWhoee who maypatronize iln ni l 11 '' jfloon of".-n. VTA 1.1 J.Cor. Morgan and ZElloixxxt MtmRALEIGH, IV, O.Constantly on hand all kinds of American and Italian Marble HeadstonevMonuments and Tombs ; Samples and Designs of Scotch and AmericanGranite Monuments, constantly oa hand and furniahed to order ; Grant!work for Building and Graveyard purposes. ' ,All Monuments and; Tombs executed in the finest styloNone but i'irst Class Mechanics employed.Parties desiring to purchase should visit me before purchasine North oreusewuere, as x can iurnisn wore mucn cneaper. au wore warranted, or onsale. .Address all tnM.ap.fn, L ' TngtjSIr1"m

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